Congratulations, you’ve decided to start studying the Bible to help enrich your spiritual life and deepen your relationship with God. Studying the Bible is a crucial journey that can give you deep insights, guidance, and enlightenment. What’s next? How do you go about studying the Bible as a beginner?

Here are several tips on how to do bible study for beginners:

Choose which bible version to use for your bible study for beginners

Where do you want to start studying the Bible? Some people choose to begin with topics such as forgiveness, love, God’s mercy, or faithfulness. Once you’ve decided which theme to focus on first, you can find which Bible verses relate to this topic and start there. Having a journal or notebook is essential for writing down which Bible verses you want to begin with and jotting down any insights you have on this Bible study journey.

Focus on your intentions and what you want to get from your bible study

Why are you studying the Bible? Is it for spiritual guidance or more for historical knowledge? Do you want to learn more about how Jesus lived, or is it to gain insights into the thought process of the Bible writers? Whatever your intention is, keep it in mind as you read the Bible passages so you can approach your bible study with the proper focus.

Decide where to start reading the Bible

Where do you want to start studying the Bible? Some people choose to begin with a topic such as forgiveness, love, God’s mercy, or faithfulness. Once you’ve decided which theme you want to first focus on, you can find which Bible verses relate to this topic and start there. There are many sources online to find which verses relate to different topics. It’s important to have a journal or notebook to write down which Bible verses you want to start with.

Read the Bible verses in context

Understanding the context of the Bible verses you are reading is crucial. Knowing the historical and cultural context of the passages you read helps you gain insights into the Bible. Remember to research the period when the Bible verse was written, who wrote the passage, and the cultural nuances of the Bible verses you are studying.

Some questions you can ask while reading the Bible are:

  • Who is the writer of the passage?
  • Who are they writing to?
  • What was the political landscape during this time?

Break down the Bible verses and apply it to yourself

Once you have a good grasp of the context of the Bible verses, then you can begin breaking down the Bible verses to understand how it relates to you or the topic you’re interested in.

Ask such questions like:

  • What is the central message of the theme?
  • What emotions are conveyed by the passage?
  • Who are the key characters involved, if any?
  • What does this passage show me about God or Jesus?
  • What lessons can I learn from this passage?
  • What positive changes can I make based on what I learned from these verses?

Read Bible commentaries and talk to other people for guidance

For first-timers, referring to a Bible commentary can be very helpful. Bible commentaries are written by theologians who provide extensive background and context to different Bible verses. You can find several Bible commentaries online that are free and easily accessible, which can help you understand what you’re reading much better.

Of course, the best way to do bible study for beginners is to do it with a group. Joining a bible study group can give you the guide questions you need and also let you hear other people’s opinions and insights which can be very helpful to your own bible study journey. 

Be consistent with your Bible study

As with anything in life, consistency is key. You need to practice and do something consistently to get better at something. The same goes for Bible study. Set aside time for your bible study. Have a regular schedule, whether daily, weekly, monthly, or for 15 minutes or one hour per session. Being consistent will help you reap what you need from your Bible study.

Bible study for beginners can be challenging. However, studying the bible as a beginner can be a beautiful journey that can lead you toward wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. With the right mindset, tools, bible study group, and methods, you can, most importantly, nurture a closer relationship with God. 

Each person’s journey is unique, and while it may take time for you to get to the place you want to be in your Bible study, it will be well worth it in the end. 

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